YWCA Delaware Is Here For You
We’re Glad You’re Here
Learn More About How We Can Help You
Contact our 24/7 hotline:
YWCA Delaware's Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) provides comprehensive, free and confidential crisis services to sexual assault survivors and domestic violence survivors aged 12 and older and their non-offending family members, friends and partners throughout the state of Delaware. SARC is committed to providing healing, hope and empowerment to individuals whose lives have been impacted by sexual violence or domestic violence, whether the assault happened yesterday or many years ago. If you or someone you care about has been sexually assaulted or experienced domestic violence, reaching out for help can be the first step toward recovery and healing.
For immediate assistance and information on your options, call our crisis helpline at (800) 773-8570. SARC assists survivors in need of medical, police and legal accompaniment, supportive telephone counseling, aftercare follow up services, individual and group counseling, as well as information and referral to vital community services.
SARC is committed to providing emergency sexual assault and domestic violence responses to all Delawareans who need it. Please note that while the SARC helpline is available 24/7, the wait times for specialized services after regular business hours (6 a.m. to 6 p.m. excluding holidays) may be delayed due to increased requests for our services.
Services Include:
24/7 Sexual Assault Response Helpline (800) 773-8570
24/7 Medical and Legal Accompaniment
Information and Referral to Resources
Aftercare Follow-Up Case Management Services
Individual Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Counseling
Support Groups
Community Outreach and Education
Center Locations: New Castle, Wilmington & Georgetown
Victim Services Policies and Information
These are offered to survivors living within our facility as well as outreach survivors (those living outside the YWCA.)
How To Get Help ↘
Emergency Help
If you are in need of emergency shelter due to a domestic violence situation, contact the YWCA Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline (800-773-8570) or call 911 for local law enforcement who will in turn contact the YWCA.
If you are an emergency shelter or outside agency making a referral for housing, call 833-346-3233. If you or someone you know is homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless, please dial Centralized Intake at 1-833-346-3233.
“I am in need of services…”
If you are need of court advocacy or case management, no matter whether you are a resident of our facility or an outreach survivor, contact the YWCA of Delaware at 800-773-8570

Free Spring Yoga Classes
for Survivors
Are you passionate about making a difference in your community?
Help Survivors by Becoming a SARA

Our SARC Locations
SARC Wilmington Office & Healing Space
YWCA Delaware Home-Life Management Center
709 N. Madison Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 658-7110
YWCA Delaware Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) New Castle Office
Commons Blvd
15 Reads Way, Suite 200
New Castle, DE 19720
24/7 Helpline: (800) 773-8570
(302) 273-1300
YWCA Delaware Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) Georgetown Office
20123 Office Circle
Georgetown Professional Park
Georgetown, DE 19947
(302) 273-1300
Identify Abuse ↘
This is the first step. Ask yourself if any of these signs point to your relationship health.
Red Flags
Unhealthy Relationship Checkpoints ⏺
Does your partner…
Get jealous easily or accuse you of having an affair?
Have abuse in family history?
Throw objects at you or destroy your property?
Make you account for every moment you are away?
Restrain you?
Ridicule you?
Threaten to hurt you, your children, or your pets?
Manipulate you with lies or promises?
Threaten to or force you to have sex?
Make you feel you don’t have the right to say “no” or disagree?
Isolate you from family, friends, work?
Make all the decisions in the home for you?
Have previous contact with the justice system?
Control all of the money?
Have weapons?
Green Flags
Healthy Relationship Checkpoints ⏺
Does your partner…
View you as an equal?
Respect you and treat you fairly?
Make you feel safe (emotionally and physically)?
Discuss disagreements peacefully?
Allow the relationship to go at your pace?
Act as a positive role model for your children?
Value your opinions?
Communicate openly and honestly?
Support your goals in life?
Make family and money decisions together with you?
Have a positive image of family?
Make your friends and family feel comfortable?