Non-Profit Sector
The non-profit sector is the backbone of our community and continues to provide programs and human services for families in Delaware. We support efforts to strengthen these organizations.
Childcare and early learning programs are essential supports for working women and our nation’s economic future. The COVID-19 pandemic escalated already-existing barriers to women’s economic participation, inequities for women and families of color, and capacity challenges of childcare providers.
YWCA DE supports an equitable, sustainable childcare infrastructure that meets the needs of all women, families, and childcare providers and supports funding of Universal Pre-K.
Strengthen the sector’s ability to help the state and the broader social service sector work together more effectively to serve communities.
Advocate for increased Grants in Aid to cover rising costs across the non-profit sector.
Support policies that decrease costs for non-profit organizations, such as a community or state-supported healthcare model.