24 Hours of Giving to Nonprofits in the
First State

Help YWCA Delaware Raise $10,000

  • Make Your Donation Count Towards DoMore24

    Give ahead of time. Remember to add DM24 in the notes section to show your support.

  • Start a Fundraiser

    We're inviting you to join us in starting your own fundraiser for YWCA Delaware during DoMore24. It's super easy, and every dollar you raise will directly contribute to YWCA Delaware's impactful initiatives. Share your fundraising page with friends, family, and your network. Let's amplify the support for those who need it most.

  • Remind Me to Donate

    Mark your calendars to Support YWCA Delaware during DoMore24, March 7th at 6 pm to March 8th at 6 pm. Set a reminder on your phone, write it on your calendar, tie a string around your finger – do whatever works best for you!